Veterans’ Cafe

Veterans' Cafe


Overview of the Veterans' Cafe, including the location and hours


The Veterans Services Coordinator is located in the Bailey building and can be reached at

The Veterans' Cafe is a designated space for A-B Tech students with veteran status. It provides veterans with the opportunity to use a computer lab, engage in study groups, and network with other students who are veterans. Complimentary snacks and drinks are also available.

The Veterans' Cafe is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. It is located in Room 108 of the Ferguson Building (building #7 on the campus map), which is across from the Don C. Locke Library and adjacent to the Beech Tree Deck on our Asheville Campus. The Veterans' Cafe is open during days when students have class and upon request from campus groups. It is closed on school holidays, breaks, and between semesters. 

For questions, email


Key Words: Veterans Cafe, Veterans' Cafe, Vet Connections Cafe, veteran, veterans, vet, vets, cafe

Article ID: 316
Created On: Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 3:34 PM
Last Updated On: Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 2:33 PM

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