How to search online to see what curriculum classes (for college credit) are currently available
Class Search Tips: How to Search for More Specific Details
How to View Class Meeting/Delivery Method Details
You can narrow search results based on the Course Section Identifiers used in the third segment of the course code (e.g. ENG-111-OAM1). To do this enter asterisk(*) + Course Section Identifier Code + asterisk(*) in the "Section (optional)" box of the search page. For example, if you wish to find a 100% online asynchronous minimester section, you would enter *OAM* in the "Section (optional)" box.
A course section that is synchronous has specific times when everyone meets online (often via video meetings in Zoom) or in person at the same time. For example, there may be a Zoom class meeting every Monday and Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. The section identifier will include an "OS" (e.g. ENG-111-OS1).
A course section that is asynchronous means that there aren't specific meeting times for that section. Instead, there are typically specific times when an assignment must be submitted, such as "essay due by Tuesday, November 24 at 5:00 p.m." Keep in mind that there may be exams in an asynchronous section that do have more specific timeframes. The section identifier will include an "OA" (e.g. ENG-111-OA1).
If you are already registered, you can contact your instructors directly for details about your specific classes. Once the class has begun, you can find class details in Moodle.
Key Words: search for classes, search, searching, searches, class, classes, curriculum, available, availability, search for courses, search for open classes, course catalog, catalog search
Article ID: 380
Created On: Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 10:04 AM
Last Updated On: Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 11:38 AM
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