Online Classes and Programs
Online Classes and Programs
Information about classes and programs offered online at A-B Tech
A-B Tech offers several completely online programs and a large selection of individual online classes and services, both curriculum (for college credit) and Continuing Education (not for college credit). You can view a full list of our online services in the A-B Tech Student Handbook under "Student Services for Distance Learners."
Online Academic Degree Programs
We have several programs which can be taken in a completely online format. A list of these programs can be found at
For information about whether most of the classes in a specific program can be taken online, please call at (828) 398-7900 or email
Online Curriculum Classes
The way a specific class is offered can vary by semester, and it can be difficult to say ahead of time which classes will be offered online, since course schedules depend on a number of changing factors.
If you would like to take classes online at your convenience, select one of the following section codes:
- OA — Online Asynchronous (Students and instructor do not meet online at the same time)
- SA — Seated Asynchronous (Student may attend in person or access class online at their convenience)
- Z — Hy-Flex Option (Instruction is delivered in three ways: fully seated, online synchronous, and online asynchronous. Students can change their mode of attendance in any given week.)
If you can be available online at a specific time, you can also select one of the following codes:
- OS — Online Synchronous (students and instructor meet online at the same time)
- SS — Seated Synchronous (student may attend in person or access class online at a designated time)
Refer to our Search for Class Availability article for instructions in looking up which classes are currently available in an online format. More information about course section identifiers can be found by visiting and selecting Course Section Identifiers.
Residency Status and Online Class Eligibility
A-B Tech is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA). This agreement allows students from states across the nation to enroll in distance education, with the exception of students who reside in California. Refer to for more information.
Online Continuing Education Classes
A-B Tech partners with Ed2Go to offer online Continuing Education classes. These high quality, instructor-led courses begin monthly and can be accessed from any computer.
You can see what class options are available at If you have questions about online Continuing Education classes, please call (828) 398-7369 or email