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Overview of the library's online resource database called NC LIVE

Accessing NC LIVE

The Don C. Locke Library uses a website called NC LIVE to give students and faculty free access to eBooks, audio books, videos, online magazines/newspapers, etc. You can access NC LIVE by going to abtech.edu/library (or by clicking the "Student Resources" link at the top of our website and selecting "Library") and then clicking the "NC LIVE Homepage" link.

Off-Campus Access

For help with logging in to NC LIVE off campus, go to abtech.edu/library and click the link that says, "Off campus access to NCLIVE and other subscription databases".

For additional assistance with NC LIVE, contact our Library Staff directly at (828) 398-7301.


Key Words: library, Locke Library, Holly Library, NC LIVE, NCLIVE, online books, ebook, ebooks, resource, resources
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