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Laptop Availability

Laptop Availability


How to purchase a laptop through the bookstore, borrow a laptop through the library, or use a computer at one of the on-campus computer labs

Bookstore Purchases

The bookstore is offering certain Dell computers. You will need to place the order through bookstore.abtech.edu, and the computer will be shipped to your address. Please see the “Computer” category on the bookstore webpage for more information.

You may use your Financial Aid to purchase one laptop on specific dates during the semester. 

Library Laptop Computers

Currently-enrolled curriculum students may borrow a laptop from the Don C. Locke Library to use at home for a semester. Laptops are checked out at the circulation desk on a first come, first served basis. For more details, please see About the Library

To ask about laptop availability, visit the library, use the Ask-a-Librarian link, or call (828) 398-7301.

Computer Lab

There are also desktop computers available for use on the lower floor of the Don C. Locke Library (building #6 on our campus map).

Key Words: laptop, computer, computers, library, Locke, Holly, check out, check-out
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