4 Glossary Terms Found.
Health Clinic
An on-campus clinic located in the Ferguson Center for Allied Health and Workforce Development, room 115.17, on the Asheville campus that provides basic health care to students and employees (18 years and older). Appointments can be made by calling (828) 398-7570 or emailing healthclinic@abtech.edu.
For financial aid purposes, an individual is considered homeless if he or she lacks fixed, regular and adequate housing. You may be homeless if you are living in a shelter, park, motel or car, or temporarily living with other people because you have nowhere else to go. Also, if you are living in any of these situations and fleeing an abusive parent, you may be considered homeless when completing your FAFSA even if your parent would provide support and a place to live.
A school in which children are educated at home either by parents, legal guardians, or tutors, rather than traditional public or private school.
Hybrid Classes
These are classes that utilize a combination of in-person and online instruction for the contact hours of the course. Hybrid Classes will have a Y identifier in their course section code. To learn more about course section codes and identifiers, visit abtech.edu/registration/course-section-identifiers