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Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy


Overview of attendance policies at A-B Tech

General Attendance Policy

It is mandatory that the student attend at least once during the first 10 percent of the course. For online classes, a graded activity must be submitted during the first 10 percent of the course. If the student fails to attend or submit an assignment during the first 10 percent of the course, the course will be dropped as a "No Show." The student will not be allowed to continue with the course or to receive a refund.

A-B Tech does not have a centralized attendance policy that applies to all departments/classes (except for the requirement in the above paragraph). However, different divisions or departments can institute their own specific attendance requirements. More information about absences due to military duty or religious observances can be found in the Catalog, pg 77.

Allied Health Students

To receive course credit when enrolled in an Allied Health program, a student should attend a minimum of 90 percent of the contact hours of all major area courses. Upon accumulating absences exceeding 10 percent of the contact hours, the student may be "unofficially withdrawn" from the class, unless the student follows the official withdrawal procedure before the withdrawal deadline. The 90 percent minimum attendance requirement applies to these major area course prefixes: NUR, DEN, EMS, MED, MLT, SON, PBT, PHM, RAD, SUR and VET.

Cosmetology Students

To receive course credit when enrolled in a Cosmetology program, a student should attend a minimum of 95 percent of the contact hours of all major area courses. Upon accumulating absences exceeding five percent of the contact hours, the student may be "unofficially withdrawn" from the class unless the student follows the official withdrawal procedure before the grade of "U” is recorded. The 95 percent minimum attendance requirement applies to the major area course prefix of COS.

Developmental Students

To receive course credit when enrolled in a developmental course, a student should attend a minimum of 90 percent of the contact hours. Upon accumulating absences exceeding 10 percent of the contact hours, the student may be "unofficially withdrawn" from the class unless the student follows the official withdrawal procedure before the withdrawal deadline.


Key Words: attendance policy, attendance, allied health, cosmetology, developmental studies, no show
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