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NC Student Number on Application

NC Student Number on Application


Information about the NC Student Number field on the A-B Tech general admissions application


The general admissions application includes a field for a "NC Student ID" number. This field is optional; you do not need to complete this section in order to submit your application. (If you don’t complete it, be sure the field is blank and you have backspaced completely. Even a “space” keyed in the field can prevent you from going forward with the application.)

Explanation Within the Application

Underneath the NC Student Number field on the application, there is a red box that says, "Show NC Student Number information." If you click on this box, it will have an explanation of what the NC Student Number is and indicates that it’s optional. As the note says, providing this number will allow A-B Tech to get your high school transcript electronically. Students who have graduated within the last 10 years from a United States High School may be able to use their transcript for College placement.

Your NC Student Number can be found on your high school report card. If you don’t have access to a report card and would like to obtain your NC Student Number, you may contact your high school or county school district.

 NC Student Number field


Key Words: NC WISE ID number, application, apply, CFNC, high school transcripts, NC Student ID, high school
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