Tutoring Center
Tutoring Center
The location, hours, and contact information for the Tutoring Center
At the Tutoring Center, you can:
- Receive tutoring in math, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, statistics, accounting, and Spanish
- Use a computer
Other Tutoring Services
- Tutoring Services Overview
- The Writing Center
- THINKINGSTORM, an online tutoring service
Tutoring Center Location and Hours
To access the tutoring services, visit abtech.edu/tc.
Tutors will be there to greet you and invite you to a tutoring breakout room for one-on-one tutoring. Zoom will allow you to chat with the tutor regardless of video/microphone capabilities.
Tutor Availability by Subject
To see a schedule of tutor availability by subject, visit abtech.edu/tc. Select "Center for Academic Achievement Hours by Subject" on the left. This will give you the hours when tutors are available in math (through advanced calculus), biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, calc-based physics, engineering, statistics, accounting, and Spanish.
Contact Information
Tutoring Center
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
340 Victoria Road
Asheville, North Carolina 28801
Phone: (828) 398-7228
Tutoring Coordinator Email: sharonlsmith@abtech.edu