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Support Services

Support Services


How to request support services and reasonable accommodations


Information about Support Services can be found on our website at abtech.edu/supportservices.

If you’re a student with a disability and require an accommodation, please select "Accommodations for Disabilities" from our Support Services Overview page. Detailed steps to apply are provided, including documentation guidelines. 

Contact Information

Office Hours

Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., evenings by appointment


The Support Services Office is located in the Bailey Student Services Building (building #5 on our campus map) in the main Asheville Campus.

Email and Phone

For initial contact and registration for services, please email supportservices@abtech.edu. Heather Pack, the Director of Support Services, can be reached at (828) 398-7141.


Key Words: disability,disabilities services, accessible, accommodation, priority registration, auxiliary aids, notetaker, alternate textbooks, handicapped parking

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