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Health Clinic

Health Clinic


Information on A-B Tech's Health Clinic


A-B Tech has an on-campus student/employee health clinic located in the Ferguson Center for Allied Health and Workforce Development Building (building #24 on the campus map), room 115.17 on the Asheville campus. Students (18 years of age or older) and employees may be seen at the clinic.

Hours and Services

The clinic is open from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on designated Tuesdays throughout the semester.

More information about the Health Clinic and the services offered is available at abtech.edu/healthclinic.


Walk-in patients are welcome. You can also make an appointment by calling (828) 398-7570 or emailing healthclinic@abtech.edu.

Student fees are $20 per visit (with student ID). Student vouchers are available for a free visit during Health Clinic hours. The cost for employees is $20, regardless of insurance coverage.


Key Words: Health Clinic, clinic, treatment, medical, prescription
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