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How to Withdraw From a Class

How to Withdraw From a Class


Overview of the withdrawal process and how to withdraw

Withdrawal Overview

You can withdraw from a class after the drop period has passed, but before the "last day to withdraw." The deadlines for withdrawing can be found at abtech.edu/deadlines. A grade of "W" will appear on your transcript. A withdrawal will not affect your GPA, but it will affect your overall completion rate, which could also affect your financial aid. Tuition refunds are not available when withdrawing, and you are responsible for any remaining tuition payments.

How to Withdraw

To withdraw from a class, you'll need to do the following:

  • Fill out a Class Withdrawal Form, which can be found at abtech.edu/records. You can also have the Class Withdrawal Form emailed to you by sending a request to info@abtech.edu.
  • If you're receiving veterans' benefits, you must have your instructor(s) sign the Class Withdrawal Form. If you cannot contact your instructor, the department chair or the division dean for the class can sign the form. If you are taking an online class, ask the instructor to email registrar@abtech.edu with your last date of attendance. We cannot process your withdrawal until we receive the email, so have the instructor "CC" (copy) you on the email, and then you will know when it reaches the Registrar's Office.
  • If you're an F-1 or M-1 international student, you are strongly encouraged to meet with a Student Advisor prior to withdrawing. Email advising@abtech.edu to schedule an appointment.
  • Submit the form to registrar@abtech.edu using your A-B Tech student email account. You will receive an email confirming your withdrawal. You should keep this confirmation for your records in case any disputes about your status arise in the future.

Career and College Promise (CCP) Students

Dual-enrolled high school students should contact their advisor to withdraw from a course. Students can find their advisor's contact information at the link below.

Career and College Promise (CCP) Programs

Students can also call (828) 398-7900 or email ccp@abtech.edu to determine who their advisor is.

Late Withdrawal Exceptions

Exceptions such as serious illness or job transfer requiring withdrawal from all classes after the 75 percent point of the term will be considered on an individual basis by the Registrar. Keep in mind that late withdrawals are typically only approved if you have extenuating circumstances outside your control that prevented you from withdrawing before the deadline (such as a medical issue, hospitalization, court issue, etc.). If you’re unable to provide documentation to support your reason for seeking a late withdrawal, it is unlikely that your late withdrawal request could be approved.

Late withdrawal due to a medical problem will require a letter from a doctor addressed to the Registrar or other supporting documentation. Requests for an exception to the withdrawal deadline can be sent to the Registrar's Office at registrar@abtech.edu.


Key Words: withdraw, withdrawal, withdrawing, refunds, drop a class, withdraw from a class, withdrawal deadline, deadlines, add/drop period, instructor signature, late withdrawal, medical emergency
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