Inclement Weather Policies
Inclement Weather Policies
College policy and procedure during times of inclement weather
The College will close when weather conditions make driving to campus hazardous. Our inclement weather procedures are located in the Student Handbook.
How It's Determined
When there's inclement weather, the president of the College is the one who makes the final determination about whether one of our campuses should be closed. If weather conditions become worse after an initial decision is made, an additional announcement closing school for the day will be made as soon as possible.
Closing or delaying the day programs does not automatically close evening classes. Announcements will be made concerning the evening classes in the afternoon through the media.
How It's Announced
Announcements concerning school operation will be made as soon as possible and announced on all local radio and TV stations for all day classes. In addition, announced closings will be posted on our website and our Facebook page, on the switchboard, and on the Victoria Road electronic message board. You can also receive text message alerts about closings due to inclement weather.
If it appears that ice or snow may be cleared before the day is over, a late opening will be announced as soon as possible. You should then attend classes as scheduled. When weather conditions dictate early dismissal of day or evening classes, the announcement will be made by telephone and classroom computers to each building on campus.
If you're commuting from an outlying area, remember to use your personal judgment about highway conditions, regardless of College announcements.
Affected Coursework
Curriculum class work can be made up by rescheduling the class, extra assignments, individual conferences, extended class sessions, online assignments, or other alternatives determined by the Vice President for Instructional Services. Continuing Education sessions missed because of inclement weather will be rescheduled whenever possible.
Enka and Madison
Our inclement weather policy applies to all locations. If A-B Tech Madison or A-B Tech Woodfin needs an additional weather-related closing, the site director will make an announcement as soon as possible. See the Student Handbook for details.
When the College announces a delay to allow time for the roads to be cleared, the College will open again and classes will resume at a specified time. For example, during a two-hour delay, the College will open at 10:00 a.m. Classes that normally start and end before 10:00 a.m. will be cancelled; classes that normally start at 10:00 a.m. or later will operate on their normal schedule; and classes that normally begin before but run past 10:00 a.m. will begin meeting at 10:00 a.m., unless the instructor decides to cancel the class. For any questions about when your class will meet when there's a delayed opening, you should contact your instructor.
Key Words: weather, inclement, driving conditions, road, roads, closing, announcements, snow, ice, close, early, delay, delayed, 2-hr, 2-hour, two-hour, two hour