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Drop, Add, and Withdraw

Drop, Add, and Withdraw


Overview of dropping, withdrawing from, and adding classes


You may drop a class through the first 10 percent point of the class, before the end of the "Drop Period." If you drop a class, it won't appear on your transcript. Full or partial refunds are available, depending on when in the "Drop Period" the class is dropped. The deadlines for dropping classes vary depending on the class' schedule.


You can withdraw from a class after the "Drop/Add period," but before the "last day to Withdraw." The deadlines for withdrawing can be found at abtech.edu/deadlines. A grade of W will appear on your transcript. A withdrawal will not affect your GPA, but it will affect your overall completion rate, which could also affect your financial aid. Refunds are not available when withdrawing.


You can add a class to your schedule in Self-Service.

If a class is 14 weeks or longer, you may add it up to 48 hours after the start of the first class meeting. If a fully online class is 14 weeks or longer, you may add it through the third day of class.

If a class is shorter than 14 weeks, you may add it until the class meets for the first time. If a fully online class is shorter than 14 weeks, you may add it through the end of the class's start date.

Tuition Refunds

You're eligible for a 100 percent refund if you drop a class before the official start-date of the course, which you can view in Self-Service. You're eligible for a 75 percent refund if you drop a class before the 10 percent point in the term.

Career and College Promise (CCP) Students

Dual-enrolled high school students should contact their advisor for assistance with adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a course. Students can find their advisor's contact information at the link below.

Career and College Promise (CCP) Programs

Students can also call (828) 398-7900 or email ccp@abtech.edu to determine who their advisor is.


Key Words: drop, dropping, add, adding, withdraw, withdrawal, withdrawing, refunds, drop a class, add a class, withdraw from a class, withdrawal deadline, deadlines, add/drop period, instructor signature, late withdrawal, medical emergency
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