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Film and Media Studies

Film and Media Studies


Information on the classes offered for curriculum students interested in film and media studies

Program Options

The following options are available for curriculum students interested in film or media studies at A-B Tech: 

  • Associate in Arts (60 credits) - This program is for students who plan to transfer to senior colleges and universities to continue study for a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. Students interested in film and media can take film and media courses as part of the Associate in Arts curriculum.
  • Associate in Fine Arts (60 credits) - This program is for students who plan to transfer to senior colleges and universities to continue study for a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree. Students interested in film and media can take film and media courses as part of the Associate in Arts curriculum.

Additional Questions

For more information about film and media classes or curriculum paths, please email programadvising@abtech.edu.


Key Words: film, media, Institute for Film and Media Studies, IFMS, new film program 


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